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Dear All,
The Mark Milsome Foundation is approaching a significant launch of an ONLINE Health and Safety Programme Passport for 15th December 2021 and we would be incredibly grateful if we could count on your support.
The course is the result of 2 years research, an industry wide survey (5,000 responses and concerns) and includes subjects that we believe would have prevented Mark Milsome’s death in Ghana in 2017.
As friends of the Foundation I would also like to send you an early link to access the programme and ask that you and those in your organisation take the course for free in advance of the 15th December. IF you feel your members would benefit, IF you feel it is an important course then we would be incredibly grateful if next week you would consider urging your members/ unions/ guilds to take the course over the Christmas and New Years break.
Two years ago I asked Jake Edmonds at Media Safety Ltd how many crew from approx 70 on set should I expect to have taken a Modern Health and Safety programme and the answer was “you would be lucky to find one”. After digging deeper it appeared to be cost and time that was an issue. Traditionally a H&s programme takes 2 days, face to face at a cost £400-500. In addition, no-one is ever expected to have a H&S qualification.
I have spent the last 2 years researching, writing, producing the Mark Milsome Foundation Film and TV Safety Course. It will be available online and take 90 minutes to complete. It will cost £20 plus VAT and If successful, Crew/Production/Students will receive a Screenskills Production Safety passport that lasts for 5 years.
Please see early responses to those who have seen the course below. We hope that this course will attract enough attention and support over the Christmas and New Year period that we can justify a programme to make it Mandatory in the Film and TV industry but we cannot do that without you urging your members to take notice and take the short course.
I attach a link to our first x 4 trailers and will get you the full course soon as well as some background to the project and the reasons we believe it is needed. With thanks for your support.
Kirk Jones
Chairman - Mark Milsome Foundation
“The most engaging safety training I have ever seen, empowering the viewer to speak up, this will improve safety standards and save lives!” Sunny Bains – NFTS
“Totally and utterly game changing.” Jen Compton – Chalk – Media Safety Ltd
“An essential step towards a safer environment for those working in our industry.” James Clarke – Media Safety Ltd
“This unique training package should be written into the DNA of every film and television course in the UK – Whether you are an experienced professional or a student about to step foot on a set for the first time, it will inform you, empower you, and make everyone safer.” Professor Christopher Morris – former head of Newport and Falmouth Film and Television Schools.
Click on the links below to watch the first four teasers.
Click on the blue button below to see the Mark Milsome Foundation Health and Safety Online Course Proposal
Sir Sydney Samuelson presenting Ron Ford with his BAFTA Award
(and guess who’s behind Sir Sydney!!!)
Our beloved founding Trustee, SIR SYDNEY SAMUELSON, was 96 years old on 7th December. Amazing. I sent him a card from all of us. I am hoping to go see him early next year arms full of smoked salmon and cream cheese bagels plus the odd salt beef on rye! Hope you had a wonderful day, Sydney.
Love and hugs from us all.
Sydney with his awards.
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