GBCT 'Your Voice' Member Questionnaire 2024
This questionnaire is CONFIDENTIAL and ensures your anonymity. We cannot see who you are!
The GBCT Board is seeking full engagement from Guild Members in order to make the case to the relevant external stakeholders that Schedule D/Freelancers are in need of financial support/career development, during different times in their career, as being overlooked is impacting their lives in many ways.
Has your mental health been impacted by not working?(Required)
Has your physical health been impacted by working?(Required)
Have you had to downsize or are you in the process of downsizing?(Required)
Have you had to uproot your family because you can no longer afford to live where you lived?
Have you lost your home as a result of not working?(Required)
Have you lost a relationship as a result of not working?(Required)
Have you had to take out a bank loan in order to sustain yourself?(Required)
What amount have you had to borrow?
Have you had to borrow from family/friends in order to sustain yourself financially?(Required)
What amount have you had to borrow?
Have you used up all of your savings in order to sustain yourself financially?(Required)
Have you had to sell much needed or valuable items in order to sustain yourself financially?(Required)
Alternative Skills - Side Hustle
Were you able to utilise any other employable skills in order to generate alternative income?(Required)
Have your alternative skills been able to sustain you?(Required)
Do you have any substantial projects coming up in 2024?(Required)
Are you considering leaving the Film & TV Industry as a result of the latest downturn?(Required)
Would career development workshops/hands-on camera training be of benefit to you?
Would regular networking events, including with other organisations (ACO, BSC, etc.), help you to improve your career?
Would you be interested in peer mentoring? (e.g. having a peer as your mentor who is a more experienced camera crew member)
Would you be interested in receiving mentoring from a person of a higher grade? (e.g. having a mentor who is doing a role that you aspire to)
Sexual Orientation(Required)
24/7 Mental Wellbeing Support